floating picture

there is a picture in my school that shows people jumping from floating rock to floating rock. this is just photo shop illusion but it looks real. under the rocks there is nothing but clouds and sky. the size of the gap of empty space is across the road. the place ment is pretty convincing.

the all seeing eye!

 this is the all seeing eye! it sees all you do and all you are. it stares strait into your soul! just kidding. 😛 if you look at this picture the first thing you look at is the center because it is contrasting colors.

harry potter

in class we aare looking at a harry potter poster for the seventh harry potter movie. and usually, i am a big fan of harry potter but harry potter 7 had some problems in it that kinda ruined it.


in my class at school there is a painting that i saw and am supposed to post about. it is about a death of a family member and everyone is depressed. there isn’t many colors except green yellow and red.


Hey pianists out there! i am a pianist myself. if any of you guys enjoy music and you enjoy nintendo games, you can go on a website called ninsheetm.us which stands for nintendo sheet music. most or my music is from that site. a song i would recommend is called poseidon. first get to the website. then on the left there will be a list of video games. click on other at the bottom of the list. scroll down until you see the dance revolution games and you will find poseidon. you can listen to it or just print it off.


Did any one that creativity is mostly copying other peoples idea? Henry Ford didn’t invent the car by himself. There were cars in the world, they were just really expensive and only rich people were able to afford them. So Henry Ford took the automobile and made a better, less expensive version of the car. After he invented that, cars were more popular than ever. Creating doesn’t need to be created only by you. Look around and find something you can add on to. So get creative and invent something for the world to see and love.