Composition Basics

1 I think it is well balanced because there is equal water and land on both sides of the bridge.

2. I like the color of the sky in the background, it has a really good blue color.

3. I think that the leading lines are on the bridge that are leading to the light tower.


Photography is being at the right place and time with the correct adjustments for a good picture. It takes time to perfect and get used to, but you can capture some really great stuff in a photo.

Photo Composition

1. I think that the photo is balanced because there is an even amount of everything on both sides of the photo.

2. The photographer made it so that the focus was on the Gabby Douglous and not the audience behind her.

3. The leading lines make it so that it looks like the wall just vanishes away. It doesn’t have just a plain end.

4. The camera is low but pointed up at the president.

5. The roller caster would have a different size and you wouldn’t be able to discern the fact that it was completely surrounded by water.